Home of Christine's Dancers
Home of Christine's Dancers


MD Honky Tonk - Beginner
MD Honky Tonk.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [163.7 KB]
Made You Miss - Intermediate
Made You- Mss.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [17.1 KB]
Make A Move
Make A Move - Hand.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [106.4 KB]
Make Me Wanna - Beginner
Make Me Wanna.doc
Microsoft Word document [34.0 KB]
Make No Promises - Intermediate
Make No Promises.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [18.8 KB]
Make Some New Love - Beginner
Adobe Acrobat document [63.8 KB]
Makes U Stronger
Microsoft Word document [40.5 KB]
Making Me Feel - Improver
Making Me Feel.docx
Microsoft Word document [14.4 KB]
Malibu Nights - High Intermediate NC
Malibu Nights.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [61.2 KB]
Mamma Maria
Mamma Maria.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [85.8 KB]
Manjaro - Intermediate
Microsoft Word document [41.5 KB]
Maroon Sugar - low intermediate
Maroon Sugar-lowInt.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.9 KB]
Masquerade - Intermediate
Microsoft Word document [42.5 KB]
Microsoft Word document [35.0 KB]
Me and Johnny Cash - Low intermediate
Me and Johnny Cash.doc
Microsoft Word document [40.0 KB]
Melanie's Monday
Melanie's Monday.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [64.0 KB]
Memory Lane - (Nicole Petrocelli) Beginner/Improver
memory-lane -nicole.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [63.2 KB]
Messed Up in Memphis
Microsoft Word document [31.0 KB]
Microsoft Word document [38.0 KB]
Middle of the Road
Microsoft Word document [37.0 KB]
Midnight Rendezvous - High Beginner
Midnight Rendezvous.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [286.8 KB]
Microsoft Word document [49.0 KB]
Missing - Improver
Microsoft Word document [35.0 KB]
Microsoft Word document [36.5 KB]
Modern Romance - Improver
Modern Romance.docx
Microsoft Word document [14.2 KB]
A Monster - Beginner
A Monster.doc
Microsoft Word document [41.0 KB]
Moo La Moo - Beginner
Moo La Moo.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [62.6 KB]
Moses Roses Toses - Improver/Intermediate
Moses RosesToeses.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [60.3 KB]
Moves - Intermediate
Adobe Acrobat document [186.4 KB]
Movin' EZ
Movin EZ-BEG.doc
Microsoft Word document [35.0 KB]
Moving Hips - Beginner
Moving Hips.doc
Microsoft Word document [35.0 KB]
Move A Like
Microsoft Word document [28.5 KB]
Mr. Policeman
Mr Policeman.doc
Microsoft Word document [27.5 KB]
Mr. Postman
Mr. Postman.doc
Microsoft Word document [24.0 KB]
Mr. So & So
Mr. So So - Carpenter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [50.5 KB]
My Boogie Shoes - Beginner
My Boogie Shoes BEG.doc
Microsoft Word document [34.0 KB]
My Everything
Microsoft Word document [35.5 KB]
My Love Runs Out
My Love Runs Out.doc
Microsoft Word document [37.0 KB]
My Rules - Phrased intermediate
My Rules.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [298.6 KB]


Naughty Boy
naughty boy.doc
Microsoft Word document [35.5 KB]
Need to Be Naughty
Need To Be Naughty-Int:beg.doc
Microsoft Word document [36.5 KB]
Never Drinking Again - Beginner
Adobe Acrobat document [63.0 KB]
New Flame - Beginner
Microsoft Word document [33.0 KB]
Nickajack - Improver plus
Adobe Acrobat document [60.6 KB]
Nicotine Patch - Intermediate
Nicotine Patch.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [64.4 KB]
A Night Like This - Beginner (High)
New file download
Nitty Gritty - Intermediate
Microsoft Word document [37.0 KB]
No Vacancy - Intermediate
No Vacancy - Allen.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [99.4 KB]
No Trespassing
Microsoft Word document [39.0 KB]
Not Going Home - Ross Brown - Improver
Not Going Home.doc
Microsoft Word document [35.0 KB]
Nothing But You EZ - Beginner+
Nothing But You-EZ.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [13.2 KB]
Nothing Without You - Intermediate waltz
Nothing Without You.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Novocaine Kiss - Advanced
Adobe Acrobat document [64.2 KB]
Now or Never
Microsoft Word document [33.5 KB]
NY Rain
NY Rain - Carpenter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [6.0 KB]


Old Bones - Beginner
Old Bones.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [14.1 KB]
Oh Carol - Beginner
Oh Carol - B - Multi.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [13.5 KB]
Oh Mama Hey - Intermediate
Oh Mama Hey.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [462.3 KB]
On My Way to You (NC2) Improver/Intermediate
On My Way to You.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [14.7 KB]
On The Loose - High Beginner
On The Loose.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [13.9 KB]
One - Beginner/Intermediate
Microsoft Word document [32.5 KB]
One More Silver Dollar - Beginner
Adobe Acrobat document [63.6 KB]
One Wall Social Cha - Beginner
One Wall Social Cha.doc
Microsoft Word document [35.5 KB]
Only Human - Beginner (Amy Chrisain)
Adobe Acrobat document [63.7 KB]
Oops Baby - Intermediate
Oops Baby.doc
Microsoft Word document [38.5 KB]
The Other Side (aka Wow Hawaii)- Intermediate
The Other Side (Wow Hawaii).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [880.3 KB]
Our Own Party - Intermediate
Our Own Party.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [66.7 KB]
The Outlaw
Microsoft Word document [32.5 KB]
Out Like That - Intermediate
Out Like That - Robinson.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [57.3 KB]
Outside In - Beginner
Outside In.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [59.1 KB]
Outta Control
Microsoft Word document [38.5 KB]
Over the Moon - Absolute Beginner
Over The Moon.doc
Microsoft Word document [38.5 KB]


Pants on Fire - AB Beginner
Pants On Fire.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [59.6 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [30.8 KB]
Party Party - Improver
Adobe Acrobat document [39.8 KB]
Party Shuffle
Adobe Acrobat document [76.1 KB]
Peace of Mind - Beginner
Peace of mind.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [350.9 KB]
Peligrosa - Beginner
Microsoft Word document [13.9 KB]
People Are Crazy - Beginner
People Are Crazy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [58.8 KB]
Perfectly In The Sweet Spot - Beginner
Perfectly in the Sweet Spot.doc
Microsoft Word document [36.0 KB]
Piano Man - Beginner
Piano Man.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.6 KB]
Playboy - Improver / Low Intermediate
Adobe Acrobat document [15.9 KB]
Playing Every Honk Tonk - Beginner
Playing Every Honky Tonk.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [59.8 KB]
Play That Sax (Michael Metzger) - Intermediate
Play That Sax.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [202.8 KB]
Microsoft Word document [37.5 KB]
Priscilla - Intermediate
Priscilla -ID102626.docx
Microsoft Word document [14.1 KB]
Proud Mary Burning
Proud Mary Burnin.doc
Microsoft Word document [32.0 KB]
Pulse - Novice
Microsoft Word document [39.5 KB]
Pure Movies - Beginner (Contra)
Pure Movies.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [114.7 KB]


The Queen - Beginner (Easy Intermediate)
The Queen.doc
Microsoft Word document [36.0 KB]
Microsoft Word document [38.0 KB]

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At this time I'm not sending out any newsletters. I do post videos of dances I'm teaching, cancelled classes due to weather, illness, COVID 19, etc. on my Facebook Group page. (Link Below) Please, check there for last minute updates. If you have questions or would like to reach me send an email to ilovemywork52@gmail.com 

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What's New

This website will always be a work in progress adding new dances and info several times a week... So check back often.  My goal with this website is to make it "User Friendly" for you.  Please, Tell me what you think.... is it easier to access the information? 

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If there's last minute info for a class, It'll be posted to Facebook. Sometimes the teach is posted or a class cancellation. 


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Want to know where to dance in another state or country while traveling or on vacation?  Stacy J Garcia has put together a great list. Go here...


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